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วันเสาร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Journal 3 Maslow's structure
I studied it since I was 17 years at high school  because my school was One school One management ; I still feel puzzled and sometimes confused with the vocabulary and terms used during classes in Economy subjects, even though I ever get learning about this structure I tend to forget it .   When I was learning these courses, most of the vocabulary was used in Academic language, So . I try to understand this structure again and I think this structure are really helpful, I’m sure that  will be memorize in  for future studies at University.
  sure It’s the first time that I see that the learning of today’s structure in  studies, not helpful only are we know to have access to this structure for learning in the classroom but we are also able to communicate with our business with others anytime .

