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Why I should select this brand and love Mizuno product ?

While most shoe companies are chasing the minimalist craze and removing the bottoms of their shoes, Mizuno is going against the trend by doing away with the middle.
I wasn’t convinced at first. Initially, the shoe’s firm ride was a little off-putting. But it wasn’t long before I started appreciating the tough love. The foamless sole acts kind of like a leaf spring, compressing with the impact of each strike, and it adapted to a variety of strikes. I felt supported and cushioned whether I ran with my usual forefoot strike or the plodding heelstrike that I devolve into after mile ten or so. But I was able to pull double-digit miles without feeling like my feet were getting beaten up, it was a new style and intereste product imported from Japan.

5 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Dear all of my beloved business partners,
    As the General of Barbie blog in Eng-380, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the comment your idea to my blog. On this joyous occasion, I wish to share today to closest friends for propose comment.
    My blog will be beautiful than any of us can imagine, the time is upon us to watch my blog and flourish into a new stage for create of my blog. You may propose idea while you watch in my blog finished.
    I hope to see you there, to enjoy this special day with my Barbie blog.
    Thank you for your time

    Best regards,
    Miss.Sumalin Korsem

  2. Dear all of my beloved business partners,

    As a General Manager of Samsung in Thailand, first of all, I would like to give my big thankfulness to you my entire beloved partnership that you were welcome in my little blog.

    Thanks for a good relationship that you’ve had and gave me and my brand this thing. However, to make our business and our relationship better, could I invite all of you to give your suggestions in Samsung’s development?
    Finally, please, feel free to give us your suggestions, or whatever you think we should develop for being professionally.

    Hopefully, we’ll see all of you on this little blog.

    Thank you for your worthy time.

    Yours sincerely
    Ms.Maneenoot Ploymee

  3. Dear,Mizno's brand manager :
    As our business relationship, I would like to thank you for your invitation.
    I especially like how you design “You act differently in different design your blog”.
    You have beautiful design in your blog and you do it very well.
    In my opinion, your color on the body of your blog is a little bit too bright.
    For the part of your picture background, it’s really nice but I think it too much. Your music is very well.
    I appreciate the opportunity to exchange the idea on your blog design.

    Sincerely yours
    Sumalin Korsem
    Barbie’s brand manager

  4. ไม่ระบุชื่อ6 สิงหาคม 2554 เวลา 05:11

    Dear,Mizuno Manager

    I’m Sinaporn Choopong Swatch's brand manager, I would like to thank you so much for your invitation. I’m glad to be the part of your brand and I really appreciate to join your blog as well.

    First of all, I would like to say that your blog is very interesting .I like your design. Your blog is really nice and have a focus point. Moreover, your font is very nicely and clearly and your heading can show your brand that is suitable and so attractive to the audience. Your head of blog is very interesting, its match with your background as well. May I recommend you about background. I think If you change background, It's easy to read text in your blog.

    Lastly, I would like to congratulation with your blog. I really appreciate to be a part of your blog.

    Sinaporn Choopong
    Swatch ’s brand manager

  5. Dear Mizuno's brand manager,

    Thankfulness for your invitation that you invited me to give suggestion or comment to you. Now, I already posted it on your product strategy.

    I really hope that my suggestion will be good for you.

    Sincerely yours,
    Rosnisa Binhayiloh
    Oishi's brand manager
